My Philosophy

Wellness is a lifestyle while health is a goal. Wellness is an active, ongoing process of becoming aware of and making choices that lead to a healthy, synergized and fulfilling life. Healthy is being free from illness, wellness is a dynamic and evolving process of synergy, learning, change, and growth. Maintaining an optimal level of wellness is absolutely crucial to live a superior quality life. Health is a state of being, but wellness is a state of synergized living. Wellness is a synergized blend of physical, physiological, .
emotional and spiritual. Wellness is vital because every action and every emotion we feel impacts and shapes our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects our thoughts and emotions, then actions. It’s an ongoing cycle. God created the body with the ability to heal itself, to seek balance and health when given the right circumstances but some of the greatest factors causing lack of health today is a lifestyle; lack of sunshine, polluted and chemical laden food and water, not enough movement, poor company and companionship, and work for which we are not suited. We have become so busy earning a living that we forget how to live. Our lifestyle is the single largest factor in our lack of health and that lifestyle is completely within our control. We must find our balance and our place in this world. Wellness is our goal and attaining it must be a conscious, self-directed and evolving process towards our full potential.
Knowledge, wisdom and good guidance are necessary for building a strong defense against the societal assault on health and being empowered to attain wellness. The first step is rejecting passive acceptance of toxic symptoms as benign because their origin is not understood. Regaining and maintaining health must be focused on the whole, not the parts; the causes, not the symptoms. Regaining health is like rebuilding a house; the foundation must be restored and the decayed walls and floors must be removed before the new ones can be built. With the body; the gut must be healed and the offenders removed to be able to rebuild and regain health. Restoration comes with detoxification, eating whole foods, avoiding empty foods, spiritual grounding, old emotional releases and exercise to name a few. Finally, wellness and a synergized lifestyle is achieved with education and a new commitment to balance.
See how our range of services can empower you with the knowledge, wisdom and good guidance toward your best self! Take a look at what our past and current clients have to say about our services.
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*The information contained on these pages is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, be used as the basis for treating a particular symptom or disease, or to replace any prescribed treatment that you are currently undergoing. If you have a serious health condition or are pregnant, you should always consult your physician. How you use any of the products sold here, whether individually or combined in a program, is ultimately up to you. Any statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA.
Copyright (c): Denise Souza. All Rights Reserved.